
Business analyst

We are looking for a talented Business Analyst to join our team to work on a project to develop a trading platform for the financial sector.
We#nbsp;have a#nbsp;strong team, challenging tasks and comfortable working conditions: flexible schedule, remote work.


  • Performing business systems analysis, collecting and identifying requirements;
  • Design of#nbsp;data models, integration interactions, description of#nbsp;requirements, development of#nbsp;status models of#nbsp;objects, analysis of#nbsp;business and system processes;
  • Working in#nbsp;an#nbsp;agile team (scrum);
  • Preparation of#nbsp;project documentation.


  • Knowledge and outlook in#nbsp;the business field (financial markets, crypto instruments)
  • From 4 years of#nbsp;experience as#nbsp;an#nbsp;analyst on#nbsp;web development projects (backend);
  • Experience in#nbsp;collecting and developing business requirements from the customer, conducting business and system analysis, developing functional requirements / technical specifications with subsequent setting of#nbsp;development tasks;
  • Knowledge of#nbsp;methods for preparing business and system requirements in#nbsp;technical documentation (UseCases, UserStories, BPMN 2.0);
  • Knowledge of#nbsp;software design, development and testing methodologies;
  • Understanding of#nbsp;microservice architecture, design skills;
  • Experience in#nbsp;conducting cross-platform analysis and building integration between different systems;
  • Experience in#nbsp;supporting the development team at#nbsp;all stages of#nbsp;the product life cycle (from the beginning of#nbsp;requirements development to#nbsp;release);
  • Scrum master/product owner experience is#nbsp;an#nbsp;additional plus.
  • Experience in#nbsp;managing a#nbsp;digital product with 100 thousand+ users is#nbsp;an#nbsp;additional plus.

It will be an advantage:

  • Load testing experience;
  • Basic knowledge of#nbsp;encryption algorithms;
  • Understanding of#nbsp;the principles of#nbsp;operation of#nbsp;exchange trading;
  • Introduction to#nbsp;blockchain technologies.

We offer:

  • Comfortable working conditions: flexible schedule, the possibility to#nbsp;work remotely or#nbsp;in#nbsp;one of#nbsp;our offices.
  • Team environment: working side by#nbsp;side with#nbsp;IT professionals who are ready to#nbsp;share their experience.
  • Wide opportunities for growth and development: our working process creates numerous opportunities for learning and experimentation.
  • Exciting projects: we#nbsp;strive for perfection in#nbsp;delivering results, so#nbsp;that every team member can proudly say, "I was involved in#nbsp;this project."
Business analyst